Abner Doubledays real name is just Abner Doubleday he didnt have a middle name
Abner Doubleday's father was named Ulysses and his mother was named Hester. Abner fought for the Union in the American Civil War.
Since Abner Doubleday had nothing whatsoever to do with the development of baseball, this question is meaningless. There is no team name because there was no team.
Auburn Doubledays was created in 1982.
Really big
Abner Doubleday
His maddle name is Abner. =P
Abner Doubleday
Abner Doubleday who was a well known figure in the American Civil War. He and his wife Lois only had one child. Their son's name was Demas Abner. Abner remarried and had two more son's named Ulysses and Elisha.
His wife was named Mary
lil' abner