"It got me thinking when that first popped out," Paul Simon says, sitting in the living room of his Manhattan duplex, watching an early moon come up over Central Park. " 'The cross is in the ball park.' The first thing I thought of was Billy Graham, or the Pope, or evangelical gatherings. But I came to feel what that's really about is the cross that we bear. The burdens that we carry are doable, they're in the ball park."
A crosscourt in badminton is where you hit the ball over the net. Hence the cross for crossing over the net.
Ball Park is made by Sara Lee
Ball Park Music was created in 2008.
Cross River National Park was created in 1991.
In 2003 great american ball park was opened
Ball Park - UTA station - was created in 1999.
Great American Ball Park was created in 2003.
he gets naild to a cross in spontanious combustion
Cross Lake Provincial Park was created on 1955-11-22.
The area of Cross Lake Provincial Park is 27.7 square kilometers.
A crossbar in soccer is a part of the goal. On the goal, it is the top part of the bar that stretches from left to right across the goal.
Any part of the ball must cross the goal line. Once any part of the ball has "broken the plane" it is a touchdown. The "whole" ball does not need to cross the line. If the ball is touching the white line, but no part of it passes the white line it is NOT a touchdown.