Rollie pollies like moist things and so they basically drink from the moist soil
A Jam Rollie Pollie is part solid, part liquid and part gas.
yes it is a producer
rollie-pollie, pill bug.
Be set free
yes but it would be boring
holyHolyguacamoleslowlypollie(rollie pollie)rolly
Rollie Pollie's live in dark damp environments. For example they may live in rotting logs, under rocks, or in basements and under houses.
The Rollie Pollie, otherwise known as the Woodlouse or Pillbug in the Oniscidea family, are 'detrivores' that feed on dead vegitation. However, they have also been known to feed on cultivated crops, like young plants.
a girl is brown a boy is black
I believe you have to kill both the ant and rollie pollie, then put the ant in the rollie polie's shell and close it, and then offspring should come out someday.
A person can get a rollie pollie worm out of their body by visiting a doctor. Rollie Pollies are harmless bugs that are not known for embedded themselves in human skin.
Not sure but I've been trying to figure it out for a few months?