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From the heel of his palm to the tip of his middle finger is 12.25 inches (31.12 cm).

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Q: Michael Jordan hand size
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What size shoe does Michael Jordan wear?

Answer Michael Jordan wears a size 13 shoe.

What is Michael Jordan's foot size?

Michael Jordan's shoe size is 13 For men size 8 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 13 some of them got 7 for men. for women ,they got size 5.5 6.5 7 8 8.5

What is Michael Jordan's shoes size?

Michael Jordan's shoe size is 13 For men size 8 8.5 9.5 10 11 12 13 some of them got 7 for men. for women ,they got size 5.5 6.5 7 8 8.5

Who is bigger shack or Michael Jordan?

Shaq O'Neal is 7ft 1in, 325 lbs, size 23 shoe and Michael Jordan is 6ft 6in, 215 lbs, size 15 shoe. Shaq is WAY bigger.

What is the size of Michael Phelps hand span?

just about the size of a octopus... ;)

What is Michael Phelps' Hand Size in Centimeters?

30 centimeters

Was Michael Jordan cut in high school because of his size?

yep, but then he became the best at basketball in the world.

Did Michael Jordan make retro 7's in big kids sizes?

Yes he did because I see baby's with the Jordan retro 13 and a kid who where size six with one

Is there a Michael Jordan shoe in a size 6?

i havent seen it the smallest i have seen is a seven n a half.. i would need a size six but i dont see one..

What is the value of a Michael Jordan life size cut out?

There is one on Ebay right now and will end in a few days so watch that auction. It is by a seller mom2jo. Search that seller's auctions and you will see the value OR search Michael Jordan Cut Out Poster and you will get it. Then you will know.

How big are john stockton's hands?

Huge. For a guy who was 6'1 or so, he hand hands like Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant is the opposite, utilizing unnaturally small hands for a man his size and relying on two hands on the ball when he takes it to the rim.

What is the size of Jordan in square miles?

Jordan is approximately 34,495 square miles in size.