3,083 of Rose's record 4,256 career hits occurred as a Left-Handed batter. His career BA/OBP/SLG line as a Lefty is .307/.384/.419... He was less effective, but still good, as a Right-Handed hitter.
Pete Rose is 5 feet 11 inches tall. He weighs 192 pounds. He bats left and throws right.
The cast of Pete Rose Playing to Win - 2003 includes: Pete Rose as Pete Rose
Pete rose if alive as of June 23 2010. Pete rose is 69 years old
Pete Rose's birth name is Rose, Peter Edward.
Axl Rose is left handed i first noticed because he wears his watch on his right wrist, which usually means he puts it on using his favourable left hand :)
Pete Rose was born on April 14, 1941.
Pete Rose Baseball happened in 2600.
Pete Rose was born on April 14, 1941.
Pete Rose goes by Charlie Hustle.
Benjamin Pete Rose is 5' 6".