It's 168 miles from Altoona to Lancaster.
How many miles is it to Altoona Pa from Tyler Texas
There is no mayor of Altoona.
The flight distance from San Francisco, California to Altoona, Pennsylvania is 2,348 miles.
The address of the Altoona Public Library is: 700 Eighth St SW, Altoona, 50009 2303
The address of the Altoona Historical Society is: Po Box 1, Altoona, WI 54720
The address of the Altoona Area Public Library is: 1600 Fifth Avenue, Altoona, 16602 3693
Altoona is a city, not a state.
The motto of Penn State Altoona is 'This is My Penn State Altoona, Make it Yours'.
Altoona Armory was created in 1938.
Altoona Curve was created in 1998.
Altoona Mirror was created in 1876.