im pretty sure it does......I mean why have mj on the cover and not have all that Jordan challenges on it like the ps3 version
There is already a Jordan challenge on Ps3.
I got the nba 2k11 for the ps2 last night and it doesn't include the Jordan challenge mode.
I don't think the Jordan challenge is on Ps2...only 360, Ps3, possibly wii and psp.
You have to complete the Jordan challenge to unlock the mode-'Jordan creating a legend'.
You have to reorder the rosters or trade him.
Only the Jordan Chanllenge and exhibition matches.
you may unlock Michael Jordan if the all-star players were put in Boston celtics
There is a mode for Michael Jordan, it's called the Jordan Challenge and if you finish all challenges you unlock mj creating a legend mode.
yes Micheal Jordan is in nba 2k11 he is the star of it!
they do not have it for psp but on ps3
they say you go to codes and type "icanbe23" but i dont think so but try it it doesnt work for my psp though.