

Travel to the space

Updated: 11/12/2022
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Q: Travel to the space
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Who does space travel benefit?

space travel denefits me =)

How do they travel to space?

Space travel is done by means of rockets.

Do we have the technology to travel to space?

Yes, we do have technology to travel to space.

When was We Travel the Space Ways created?

We Travel the Space Ways was created in 1956.

How would astronuts travel into space or to the moon?

they would travel in a space shuttle

When did roberta bondar travel in space?

Roberta Bondar travel in space on January 22,1992. She was in space for eight days.

Who was the sesson man to travel into space?

the season man to travel into space is Youri gangari

What type of material can travel through space?

Sound and Light can travel through space.

Who was the first afican American to travel in space?

who was the first African American to travel in space

Will we be able to travel space in the near future?

We can travel in space now. We do not have to wait for the future.

Can radiation travel though space?

All types of radiation can travel through space.

Where do cosmonauts travel to?

They travel to outer space