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he likes turtles

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Darwin first studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh with the intention of becoming a physician. However, he lost interest in the subject and left to pursue a degree in divinity at the University of Cambridge with the intention of becoming a clergyman.

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Q: What were the two careers that Darwin attempted when he was young man?
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What was Darwin's second book called?

Darwin's second book was called "The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex." It was published in 1871 and expanded on the theory of evolution by natural selection to explain the origins of humans.

What does 'boetie' mean in Afrikaans?

Well, it's a diminutive form for brother, so strictly it means little brother, but idiomatically it's used something like son or buddy or young man in English, as a friendly term of address to a young boy.

Can you show you a picture of the oldest man in the world?

a Cuban man

What are the causes and effect of social darwinism?

Social Darwinism is the application of Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies. It argues that certain individuals or groups are more fit to survive and thrive in society based on their abilities and characteristics. The causes of social Darwinism can include a belief in individualism and competition, as well as a desire to justify existing social hierarchies and inequality. The effects can include justifying colonialism, racism, eugenics, and other forms of discrimination, as well as undermining efforts to promote social welfare and equality.

Why were slaves normally children and young fit men and woman?

Slaves were typically children and young fit men and women because they were considered to be more productive and easier to control by slave owners. Children could be raised to work from a young age, while young adults were seen as being able to perform strenuous labor. Additionally, younger slaves were expected to have a longer working life, resulting in a greater return on investment for the slave owner.

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Is Charles Darwin an ecological scientist?

yes young man!

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in action-packed movies that appeal to the young children of today.

How did Saint Maria Goretti continue the mission of Jesus?

By praying for Alessandro's repentance. Alessandro was the young man who attempted to rape her, and was the cause of her death.

Who descovered the evolution of man?

charles darwin

Developed the theory of evolution?

Darwin and another man.

What Darwin was famous for?

He is famous for his theory of man's evolution.

Is Charles Darwin a bad man?

no he was a great man he is the reason we know our evolution junk

Which is correct a young man or an young man?

'A young man" would be the correct form. The article "a" is used in front of a noun beginning with a consonant (with a few exceptions).

What is the affect on human history because of Charles Darwin's theory?

Charles darwin was an iterresting man he stuby livin organisms

What actors and actresses appeared in Darwin Begins - 2012?

The cast of Darwin Begins - 2012 includes: Bobby Sarangi as The Man

Why was Darwin called the ape man?

Darwin was not called the "ape man". However, he is known for his work on the theory of evolution, which suggests that humans and apes share a common ancestor. This concept has led some people to mistakenly associate Darwin with being an "ape man".

Who was the name of the man who attempted to end slavery?

John Brown