Macro-level orientation focuses on broad social structures that characterize the society as a whole. It focuses on the big picture. Whereas micro-level orientation focuses on social interaction in specific situations.
Macro-level theoretical orientation focuses on analyzing society as a whole, studying institutions, structures, and systems. Micro-level theoretical orientation, on the other hand, examines individual behavior, interactions, and relationships within a specific context. Macro-level focuses on broader societal patterns and trends, while micro-level delves into individual experiences and dynamics.
One of Robert Merton's most significant contributions to sociology was his development of the concept of manifest and latent functions. This idea aimed to bridge the gap between micro-level interactions and macro-level structures by examining both the intended and unintended consequences of social actions and institutions. Merton also introduced the notion of social dysfunction, which highlighted the negative impacts of social structures on society.
It depends on distance you are working with. There is a force called "Strong". It is responsible for holding nuclei together. Thus if you are looking at distances comparable with size of nuclei the strongest force is "Strong" force. At microlevel the strongest force is Coulomb force (including Van der Waals).
Nanotechnology* Nanotechnology has many aspects and encompasses numerous industries. The general goal, however, is to accomplish work at the microlevel. Thing such as cellular regeneration (cuts, burns, or sicknesses healed), atomic breakdown (turn trash or nuclear waste into small particles that can be scattered), building (whether it be structural buildings or microprocessors the size of carbon atoms). It has many potential applications.
A rough surface like paper has irregularities at a microlevel that cause light rays to scatter in different directions rather than reflecting in a uniform manner. This scattering results in the diffuse reflection of light, creating a matte appearance on the surface of the paper instead of a clear reflection.
As the name suggests, microeconomics focuses on the microlevel of the economy - the individual parts of the system including supply and demand as well as the effects competition. Studying microeconomics can help a person better understand the world around them and how it works. Here are some books to help you get started: Micro Economics (10th Edition) by Robert A. Arnold - 2010, Microeconomics Demystified: a Self Teaching Guide by Craig Depken - 2005, Microeconomics (7th Edition) by Patrick Pindyck and Daniel Rubinfield - 2008.
Hand tremors can be caused by a variety of factors such as stress, fatigue, caffeine consumption, or certain medical conditions like Parkinson's disease or essential tremor. These conditions can affect the brain's ability to control muscle movements, leading to involuntary shaking of the hands.
There are no scientific proofs of the categories yielding to experiments in laboratories to ascertain the existence of the soul; yet, human experiences derived through conscious activities or dreams indicate to existence of the soul. But these indications are enough to persuade a thinking mind to believe in the existence of the soul. If we take this world as based on systematic arrangement, not raising the questions of uncertainty principles which are just the result of human lack of comprehending the universe at the microlevel, it can be asserted that nothing happens without reasons; and in that case, there are lots of things which can not be analyzed devoid of falling in the track of spiritual proofs and which for their being have certain reasons, and these, of course are not less convincing than scientific proofs, after all, life is not a result of human experiments, rather is something of deeper human feeling, intuition and realization. Such experiences as proofs for the existence of the soul are concatenated below:1. The son of a thief becomes pious, the daughter of a moron becomes talented; and even when the parents are imbeciles the child is a genius; and in all such paradoxical cases, there is genetic analysis yet to prove why the child does not follow the parents. Only the theory of the existence of the soul can give the answer. As the soul of the child in previous life or incarnation had been well advanced in the ladder of unfoldment, therefore, in the life after in the new incarnation he or she appeared to be totally different from his or her parents in the world of realization and understanding.2. Given even the same environment, the children of the same parents inheriting similar genetic codes with minor variations do not follow the same path of becoming and creativity. Someone becomes a profligate and someone becomes a scientist. This so happens because of disparate inheritances of evolutionary achievements of the different children of the same parents. Suppose the soul of a particular child cultivated scientific knowledge in previous life and for that reason that child was born with innate proclivity to scientific analysis of things of the world. Take the case that the soul of another child had been involved in profligacy and the child was then reborn with some disposition to things of that kind. But this argument does not go to prove that there is possibility of becoming better in one life. If even a soul with downward trend follow gradually the path of reforms and change; and the effort remains constant on the path of self-creativity, then certainly one can overcome the downgrading tendencies on the path of evolution and becoming.3. Who organizes all memories, impressions, experiences and ideas to give formation to knowledge in the brain? Who is the experiencer? Who knows and who realizes? Epiphenomenology or reductionism can not answer rationally and logically how wisdom is possible, why the Buddha renounced the world in search of the answer to all sufferings in life; why Christ preferred crucifixion to giving false statement to save his life at the cost of his ideals. The organizing agent is the soul; it is not the mere byproduct of the activities of the neurons, axons and nervous conductivity in the brain. The soul is there as the unchanging guiding factor of the body; it passes from birth to birth through arches of death, the arches of change and evolution phase by phase.4. Whose is the conscience; of the body, of the brain or of the soul? Who sheds tears; who is unhappy or happy? Is it the brain or the nervous system? None; it is the soul, the conscious being working in the seat of the brain. Conscience is the progressive urge of the soul on the path evolution or the path of again becoming one with Supreme Consciousness. (Vide: Sailen Debnath, 'The Meanings of Hindu Gods, Goddesses and Myths', Chapters: The Meaning of Kalpavriksha- As you Think so You Become; The White Lotus and its Meaning; The Meaning of Chitragupta- The God-Witness for Justice; Akashgarbha and Chetanagarbha- The Depth of the Sky and the Ocean of Consciousness; ISBN 9788129114815, Rupa & Co., New Delhi, 2009.)