I think that it would be that they learn to hunt for food such as fish frogs etc. I think it would also be that they learn how to breath they learn to do tricks like in sea world or another water park or something
If you teach your dog a trick and then reward him with a treat when he performs the trick, this is an example of learned behavior. Over time, the dog learned that he would be rewarded for following your command.
Raccoons have learned behaviors related to foraging and problem-solving. They are known for their ability to manipulate objects and adapt their feeding habits to urban environments. Raccoons can also learn to recognize and remember specific locations for food sources.
The theory that asserts that all behavior is learned is known as behaviorism. This theory suggests that behavior is shaped by our environment through conditioning, reinforcement, and punishment. Prominent psychologists associated with behaviorism include John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner.
Learned behavior is something that you pick up as you go along. Like these monkeys wash their food (not sure what type of monkeys The monkeys weren't born to know they need to wash their vegetables. Instinctive behavior would be when puppies are born the mother dog knows to eat the sack around her puppies, lick them clean, and the puppies know how to nurse from their mother.
Learned behavior Shared by a group Transmitted across generations Dynamic and always changing Symbolic Adaptive Shapes behavior and perceptions Provides a sense of identity Exists at multiple levels Influences individuals and society
the harp seal learns how to swim when it is separated from its mother.
learned behavior
they both are about you are born with it or you are learned with it.
learned behavior
Another word for learned behavior is acquired behavior.
one of a dik dik's learned behaviors is to hide anf forege for food
one of a dik dik's learned behaviors is to hide anf forege for food
A learned behavior is blending in with it's surroundings.
AnswerLearned behavior depends on the environment of the individual.
A learned behavior in not instinctive but must be taught or acquired through learning.
learned behavior