Molto rall is short for molto rallentando which is an expression which runs for 5 beats in 4/4 time, ie starts at the beginning of one measure and runs to the first beat of the next. It's a musical expression.
"Rall" is a term used in music notation to indicate that the tempo should gradually slow down. It is short for "rallentando," which means to gradually decrease the speed or tempo of the music.
Other words that mean prejudice include bias, discrimination, and intolerance.
Calculating the mean helps to understand the central tendency of a data set, while calculating the variance provides information about the spread or dispersion of the data points around the mean. Together, the mean and variance provide a summary of the data distribution, enabling comparisons and making statistical inferences.
In a normal distribution, the mean and median are the same. Therefore, if the mean is 132, the median will also be 132.
u bet there mean if they wearnt there would be no 'blocked sights' or stuff like that and trogdor would be worshiped
Rall, Short for Rallentando, means to slow down. Sometimes, other words are added to specify how to slow down (ex. Poco. Rall. Means to slow down a little. Molto Rall. means to slow down a lot. Rall. Poco a Poco means to slow down little by little)
Molto espressivo is Italian for very expressive.
Molto Gentile is Italian for very kind.
In music, it means to accelerate the tempo much. Opposite of molto ritard.
Very fast.
with lots of expression
"Rall" is a term used in music notation to indicate that the tempo should gradually slow down. It is short for "rallentando," which means to gradually decrease the speed or tempo of the music.
Johann Rall was born in 1726.
David Rall was born in 1926.
David Rall died in 1999.
Valerie Rall was born in 1994.
Valerie Rall is 168 cm.