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10mo ago

China contains one-fifth of the world's population. With over 1.4 billion people, it is the most populous country in the world.

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Q: What country contains one fifth of the world's population?
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Does China have the largest population in the world.?

yes it does it has 1 fifth of the worlds population (1.2 billion). china is also the third largest country in the world.

Is china one fifth of the worlds population?

yes it is =D

Is a fifth of the worlds population in china?

More than 1/5.

Does china have one fifth of the worlds population?

Yes, it does. Its population is about 1.4 billion people.

In which country do almost one fifth of the worlds people live?


Is 19.84 percent one fifth of the worlds population?

No, 19.84 percent is not one fifth of the world's population. One fifth of the world's population would be approximately 20%, not 19.84%.

What country is fifth largest?

It is Brazil in population and area.

What country is the fifth largest country?

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world with its 8.511.965 km2

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Russia, with 7 % of the world production (2010).

What is the fifth-largest country in the world?

Brazil is the fifth largest country by area and also by population : 8,514,877 Sq. KM. and 192,228,000 people.Brazil, by both population and area.

Is Brazil the fifth largest country in the world?

Yes, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world both by land area and population.

What is the fifth largest spanish-speaking population in the world that is not a spanish country?

The United States has the fifth largest Spanish-speaking population in the world.