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Weaknesses are groups are treated as individuals.... it is assumed the individual is responding to the group they are associated with and not the researcher.

The circumstances of the experiment... it is held in a lab and not a natural environment..

Social processes are simplified and do not reflect processes in an every day context.

Ethical issues surrounding the Natural environment experiment or class room test with Elliot... eventhough it provides support to his theory

Hope it helps!

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Strengths - helps to explain how individuals derive their sense of belonging and identity from group memberships, highlights the role of social categorization in influencing behaviors and attitudes, provides insights into intergroup relations and conflict.

Weaknesses - oversimplifies the diversity and complexity of individual identities, may lead to stereotyping and discrimination based on group membership, does not fully account for the role of individual differences and unique experiences in shaping identity.

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Q: What are the strengths and weaknesses of social identity theory?
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What are the strengths and weaknesses to post modernist social theory?

Strengths of postmodernist social theory include its focus on diversity and difference, challenging traditional power structures, and highlighting marginalized voices. Weaknesses may include a tendency towards relativism that can undermine claims to social justice, as well as criticisms of being overly abstract and disconnected from practical solutions.

What are the strenghts and weakness of conflict theory?

Strengths of conflict theory include its emphasis on power dynamics, inequality, and social change. It helps to reveal underlying sources of tension and conflict in society. However, weaknesses include its focus on conflict at the expense of cooperation and consensus, and its tendency to oversimplify complex social issues.

What are the advantages of social identity theory?

Social identity theory helps us understand how group membership shapes our behavior, attitudes, and perception of self. It also explains how group identities can create a sense of belonging, boost self-esteem, and foster social cohesion. Additionally, this theory is valuable in explaining intergroup conflict and discrimination.

What is social developmental theory?

Social developmental theory is a psychological perspective that explores how social interactions and experiences shape an individual's development over their lifespan. It emphasizes the importance of relationships, culture, and societal influences in shaping an individual's identity, beliefs, and behavior. The theory highlights the impact of social environments on cognitive, emotional, and social development.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of symbolic interactionism?

Strengths: Symbolic interactionism focuses on the subjective meanings individuals attach to symbols and interactions, providing insight into how meaning is constructed and shared in society. It also emphasizes the importance of context and recognizes the role of individuals in shaping social reality. Weaknesses: Symbolic interactionism can be criticized for its focus on micro-level interactions, which may overlook broader structural factors influencing social life. It can also be seen as lacking a clear theoretical framework and facing challenges in generalizing findings across different contexts.

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What are the strengths and weaknesses to post modernist social theory?

Strengths of postmodernist social theory include its focus on diversity and difference, challenging traditional power structures, and highlighting marginalized voices. Weaknesses may include a tendency towards relativism that can undermine claims to social justice, as well as criticisms of being overly abstract and disconnected from practical solutions.

What are Strengths and weakness of social control theory?

Strengths of social control theory include its focus on understanding the factors that prevent individuals from engaging in criminal behavior, such as strong social bonds and attachment to conventional norms. It also highlights the importance of social relationships in shaping individuals' behavior. Weaknesses of the theory include its limited explanation of why some individuals still engage in deviant behavior despite having strong social bonds, and its oversimplification of the complexities of human behavior and motivations.

What are the strength and weakness of system theory?

The weaknesses are that assessing outcomes is difficult, decision making process is not rational and difficulty when small tasks need to be identified. The strengths are that the group can accomplish the final goal and focuses on group identity.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Social Learning Theory?

There are many strengths and weaknesses of Social Learning Theory. Some strengths include:Accounts and allows for cognitive processesUses both experimental and non-experimental dataDoes explain a large number of behavioursSome weakness include:Doesn't explain all behaviour - how can someone still act in a way they've seen being punished?Doesn't explain differences. People brought up together act very differently.Relies on subjective perceptions. What one person might see as punishment another might see as reward.

What are the strenghts and weakness of conflict theory?

Strengths of conflict theory include its emphasis on power dynamics, inequality, and social change. It helps to reveal underlying sources of tension and conflict in society. However, weaknesses include its focus on conflict at the expense of cooperation and consensus, and its tendency to oversimplify complex social issues.

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What are the strenghts and weaknesses of Social Learning Theory?

Strengths of Social Learning Theory include its focus on observational learning and how behavior is influenced by observing others. It also emphasizes the role of cognitive processes in learning. Weaknesses include the assumption that behavior is solely influenced by external factors, overlooking the importance of internal motivations, emotions, and individual differences. Additionally, it has been criticized for overlooking the role of biological factors in shaping behavior.

Who developed social identity theory?

Social identity theory was developed by British social psychologists Henri Tajfel and John Turner in the 1970s. They proposed that individuals define their self-concept based on their identification with social groups.

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What are the strengths and weaknesses of Interactionism?

A few of the weaknesses could be that symbols may be interpretted wrong, it doesn't develop the idea of socialisation, it cannot adaquetly explain where people get the meanings to these symbols and that it ends up drawing these answers from other sociological theories, and it doesn't explain social order and how it comes about. The strengths of it would be that it takes into account individuals free will, the choices they make and how they behave. As it is a Micro theory it is more detailed and beneficial to individuals. It also gives real insight into small scale interactions, which we would not be able to define with a macro theory.