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Before researching into class structure sociologists have to operationalise the concept of class and since class is an abstract concept which cannot be easily observed sociologists have to pick an indicator of class most sociologists use an individuals occupational title to do this and the titles are then placed into class categories however there are a number of occupational classification schemes available for use and all have various advantages and disadvantages

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Q: What are the methods used to measure social class?
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What are the four methods of sociology according to comte?

Auguste Comte identified four methods of sociology: observation, experiment, comparison, and historical research. These methods are used to study society and social interactions systematically to develop a better understanding of social phenomena.

What is a synonym for social class?

Yes. Caste system. It was used in the Feudal era's of Asia and Europe and is still used in India.

What are the different research methods used in sociology?

Some common research methods used in sociology include surveys, interviews, experiments, observations, and analysis of existing data. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and researchers often use a combination of methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of social phenomena.

What is the percentage of upper class and middle class people in the Philippines?

The percentage of upper class individuals in the Philippines is estimated to be around 1-2%, while the middle class makes up approximately 30-40% of the population. These figures can vary depending on the criteria used to define social classes.

What is the difference between race and class?

Race refers to a person's physical characteristics such as skin color, whereas class refers to a person's social and economic status within society. Race is often used to categorize people based on their physical attributes, while class categorizes people based on their wealth, income, and social standing. Both race and class can intersect to create different experiences of privilege and discrimination for individuals.

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The keyword super is used to explicitly call methods/values from the parent class The keyword this is used to explicitly call methods/values from the current class

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They are access modifiers used in c++ under the concept of Object Oriented Programming. They're generally used within a classPublic: The data members and methods having public as access specifier can be accessed by the class objects created outside the class.Protected: The data members and methods declared as protected will be accessible to the class methods and the derived class methods only.Private: These data members and methods will be accessible from the class methods only, not from derived classes and not from objects created outside the class.

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A class contains methods that can be used in different programs and can be transfered and reused.

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What unit is used to measure the unit of length?

Class room can be measure in Meters easily :)

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