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1) Reciprocal Relations:

The members of a group are inter-related to each other. Simply, a gathering of persons cannot form a group. Mutual relations are considered essential for the formation of a social group.

2) Sense of Unity:

A sense of unity is essential for every group. Group members are tied by a sense of unity. By virtue of such a sense, members of a group develop loyalty or a feeling of sympathy among themselves.

3) We-feeling:

The members of a social group develop a sense of "we" feeling among them. "We-feeling" fosters co-operation among members and helps to defend their interests collectively. They treat others as outsides and try to make their group prosperous and self- sufficient.

4) Common interests:

The interests and ideals of a group are common. In fact, people from the group for the fulfillment of their common objectives or interests.

5) Group Norms:

Every group has its own rules and norms, which the members are supposed to follow. The group exercises control over its members through the norms.

6) Similarity of Behavior:

As the interests, ideals and values of the persons of a group are common; they behave in more or less similar way for the achievement of common interests.

7) Stability:

Groups are permanent or temporary in nature, some groups like the crowd, mob etc. are temporary and unstable. But group like family is relatively permanent and stable in nature.

8) Groups are Dynamic:

Social groups are not static. They are dynamic. The rate of change may be slow or rapid. Due to internal or external pressures, groups undergo changes.

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8mo ago

Social groups are defined by shared interests, values, or norms among its members. They provide a sense of belonging and identity for individuals within the group. Social groups can vary in size, structure, and purpose, but they all involve some level of interaction and communication among members.

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What were the six groups in the social group?

What were the six group in social group

What term refers to the process by which a social group becomes part of another social group?

Assimilation is the term that refers to the process by which a social group becomes part of another social group. It involves the integration of individuals from one group into the cultural norms and practices of another group.

What are two tools used for discovering the social organization of a group?

Two tools commonly used for discovering the social organization of a group are social network analysis (SNA) and ethnography. Social network analysis focuses on the relationships and interactions within a group, while ethnography involves observing and studying the group's behavior in their natural setting to understand their social structure and dynamics.

Which of these terms refers to the process by which a social group becomes part of another social group A accreditation B association C assertion D assimilation E abduction?

D. Assimilation refers to the process by which a social group becomes part of another social group. This typically involves the adopting of cultural norms, values, and practices of the dominant group.

What is social habits of a group?

Social habits of a group refer to the shared behaviors and routines that members of the group engage in regularly. These habits can include patterns of communication, decision-making processes, ways of expressing solidarity or hierarchy, and rituals or traditions that shape the group's identity and cohesion. Social habits can influence group dynamics, social norms, and relationships among members.

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What term refers to the process by which a social group becomes part of another social group?

Assimilation is the term that refers to the process by which a social group becomes part of another social group. It involves the integration of individuals from one group into the cultural norms and practices of another group.

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The question is, what s different between a social group and society, well its plain to see that a society is a BIG group of people as if a social group is as it says, a small group

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Social group work is a method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social functioning through purposeful group experiences, and to cope more effectively with their personal, group or community problems

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