Rajora gotra belongs to Jats community. An answer here stating that some shudra cunningly mixed their population in Jat community and become jat.How is this logical even .. because
1):-Why they did not change their surname as well ,as changing surname is easy than changing cast.
2):-Its never that easy to change the cast status for a community to other one, because the real cast can never let them do so that easily...and won't accept them..Even they won't marry their children with the community that is fake and not real.
3):-IN western up Rajora gotra also found in dalit...like GAUTAM gotra found in BRAHMAN and both....and chauhan gotra is found in JAT and RAJPUT cast.So it's very common of getting one surename in two different cast communities.
SO OVERALL if someone with surname RAJORA is Jat he/she is Jat..and not hiding his cast., because accepting who u r is the first step towards living a peaceful life.
Yes, RAJORA is a dalit caste. Rajora are also found amongst jats. The reason being some Rajoras were very cunning. And perhaps they thought by moving to the jats caste they could improve their social lot. So what may have happened is that some showed up at a far away jat village or town and started calling themselves jats. People during medieval times had no way of knowing that they were dalits or shudras.
Other rajoras who were well known as dalits or shudras(dalit is a new word for shudras which is old medeival word for untouchables) and who stayed amongst people who knew that they were dalits or shudras could not change their identity and so that is why Rajora are also found amongst DALIT OR SHUDRAs.
When a JAT PERSON marries a person with RAJORA surname the offsprings should not be considered JATS if we go by JAT caste rules.
The term "Rajora" does not correspond to any specific caste recognized in the official list of Scheduled Castes in India. The Scheduled Castes are officially designated groups that have been historically disadvantaged and face social and economic challenges. It is important to consult the official government list or conduct further research to accurately determine the status of the Rajora caste in relation to Scheduled Castes.
Rajora is not a schedule caste. Rajora gotra Jats are found in Madhya Pradesh. Also in Bulandshahar in western Uttar Pradesh.
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh
Villages in Bhopal District
Villages in Gwalior District
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Villages in Bulandshahr District
Bhailai, Borha Anupshahr, Dungrajat, Jalalpur Bulandshahr, Nagla Harnam, Rasulpur Shikarpur,
Notable Persons
Sandeep Rajora - Actor.
Sanjeev Rajoura - Awarded by UP Govt, UP Pravasi Bhartiya Ratan Award on Jan 21, 2019. He belong to Village Khandoi in district Bulandshahr. He currently live in California.
There is no specific caste or schedule caste called "barman." Caste classifications can vary across regions and communities in India. It is important to avoid making assumptions about someone's caste based on their occupation or surname.
No, it is not a Schedule Cast, it belongs to "Arora" category. They don't belong to Khatri tribe because they are originally from India and does not came from Pakistan/Undivided India.
In India, members of the Chamar caste are classified as a Scheduled Caste. It is important to recognize and respect the diverse cultural and social backgrounds of individuals.
No, Katheriya is not a scheduled caste in India. It is a surname commonly used by individuals belonging to the Katheria community, which is classified as Other Backward Classes (OBC) in some states.
I don't have access to personal information about individuals. Caste is a social structure in certain societies, with the schedule caste being one of the groups in India classified as disadvantaged. It's important to treat all individuals with respect regardless of their background.
1s maurya caste a schedule caste?
Basit caste is not schedule caste, so to remove its identity as schedule caste they are now called vashisht rajput.
no schedule caste & general caste
Yes, chauhan can belong to schedule caste . I have seen many such chauhans who come under schedule caste.
No they are not
Sandeep Rajora was born on 1974-07-14.
schedule caste
No Kushwaha is not at all a schedule caste.
BERA SURNAME IS UNDER schedule caste
schedule caste (chamar)
No. KOHLI belongs to khatri caste or the business caste . Khatri caste is a business caste among Punjabis. Most of khatri people have shops and are in business . However, "KOLI" caste is a schedule caste among Punjabis.