Approximately a baker's dozen (13) human lives are lost to homicide in Central Park daily.
There have been very few documented cases of people being killed by clowns. While there have been isolated incidents of violence involving individuals dressed as clowns, the overall risk of being killed by a clown is extremely low.
No one source of information.
There have been very rare cases of people being killed by pencils, but it is extremely uncommon. The pencil's primary function is not as a weapon, so incidents of pencil-related fatalities are extremely rare.
In the US there have been over 800 prison inmates killed from 1969 to 1986 by the infamous plastic knife...from 1987-2009 there have been over 250 prison inmates killed by the now popular Spork..
On average, about 250,000 people are killed by other humans each day worldwide. This includes all forms of violence, from homicides to armed conflict.
According to the Central Park web site, there are 9,000 benches and 4,100 have been adopted.
Construction of New York City's Central Park began in 1858 or late 1857. The park opened in 1859, and was completed in 1873.So the park has been open for 152 years as of 2011 (2011 - 1859 = 152).
The people killed or wounded in battle are called casualties.
People have been killed by shocks of just 50 volts
Chinese people have killed and been killed. China (earthenware) has been used to kill someone. China (the country) has not killed anyone.
The passage describes how the absence of human activity will change Central Park to show that nature will eventually destroy what people have built.
In the last 10 years 100,000,000 people have been killed by electricity in the world
New York I believe, he has been seen not long ago in Central Park
256 people have been killed.
Central Park is perfectly safe at night. New York City is currently the safest major U.S. city, and has been for several years now. And I have been going running late at night in Central Park for about 14 years. Nothing's ever happened to me. There is still crime in New York City, so there is no guarantee that you won't be the victim of a crime. But I really wouldn't worry about it.