According to the Shark Foundation, approximately 40 people per year are killed by pigs in the USA and Canada, but that includes fatal car crashes into pigs (which can weigh over 1000 pounds), not just people directly mauled by swine.
The "National Bureau of Swine Violence" and its 20000+ statistic are fake, fake, fake.
Approximately one billion animals are killed for leather each year, including cows, pigs, sheep, and goats. The leather industry is a significant contributor to animal agriculture and the global demand for leather products.
It depends on the size of the car and the size of the pigs. In general, it is not recommended to transport pigs in a car due to safety and comfort concerns for the animals.
As with people, China has more pigs than any other nation in the world, around 460 million, which is one Chinese pig for every 3 Chinese people. In fact, China has over 7 times more pigs than the next most pig-populous country: the United States. has a great quiz on this topic if you want to know more about pig populations; see the link below.
The average American consumes 28 pigs in their lifetime.
Jacob Riis believed that men who "lived like pigs" were neglecting their responsibilities to themselves and society. He believed in the importance of cleanliness, self-respect, and living in a dignified manner.
how many people die from wild boars
Yes! More people each year are killed by pigs than by sharks.
People can only speculate why he was killed. Many believe it had something to do with the Bay of Pigs.
Approximately one billion animals are killed for leather each year, including cows, pigs, sheep, and goats. The leather industry is a significant contributor to animal agriculture and the global demand for leather products.
Yes! They will hurt each other badly. Some guinea pigs have fought so bad they have killed each other.
yea it is u freak no who ever posted that is wrong the answer is... whoevrpostedthisquestionisabitch
Lots of pigs are slaughtered every year but if they drop to 150 lbs. max and get a nice spray tan then they get to live. Don't make fun of fat people or skinny people saying there pigs you jerk.
killed them like pigs hehehehehe..........
Pigs can be killed, to the extent of my knowledge. I'm pretty sure that when pigs are killed you eat it as pork, bacon, or ribs. But hey, i could be wrong.
It's Denmark.