About 38 weeks, or 266 days. But really, any time between 250-280 days is a full term range (that's from conception... most dr's count from the first day of your last period- which is typically 14 days longer than the days I wrote).
In 2011, approximately 1.05 million baby boys were born in the United States.
On average, about 600 baby boys are born every minute worldwide. This number can vary slightly depending on the time of year and other factors.
There are 900 babies born in two hours. (2 hours = 7200 seconds, 7200 seconds / 8 seconds per baby = 900 babies)
Approximately 300,000 to 400,000 babies are born in Australia each year.
Approximately 3-4% of babies are born in the breech position, where the baby's feet or bottom are positioned to come out first instead of the head.
Of a human baby..
Any amount of days.
9 months = about 270 days...
in one day
It may take about 30 days
16 days . but it can last up to 20 days
conception to birth is 90 days
60 days.
21 days after fertilization, which is week 5 of your pregnancy.
Anywhere from a few hours to five days after intercourse.
born with there eyes open