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What items are probably most stolen from a hotel?

I would say towels. If may be those little bars of soap, but I think they expect people to take them. I don't think they would count them as stolen.

What is the average monthly US grocery bill for 2?

The average monthly US grocery bill for a household of 2 is around $400 to $600, depending on various factors such as location, dietary preferences, and shopping habits. This amount can fluctuate based on individual circumstances and choices.

How was life before the washing machine invention?

Water had to be boiled if you needed warm water washes. A large tin tub with a wash board and lye soap. Wet the clothes, rub the lye soap all over it and scrub each item on the wavy metal washboard. Rinse in clean water, hang on clothes line to dry. Iron with a "cast iron" iron, heated on a cast iron stove/oven. If no wash board was available, smooth, cleaned rocks were used, near rivers and streams.

What are the Shampoo survey Questions?

1. Do you find that your shampoo actually cleans your hair as well as you like? 2. Does your hair often feel greasy? 3. Do prefer scented shampoo? 4. On average, how many times a week do you shampoo? 5. Does your shampoo irritate you? 6. Are you against animal testing? 7. Does your shampoo keep your scalp dry? 8. Do you have dandruff? 9. Do you have any major issues with your current shampoo? 10. Would you prefer a shampoo that conditions your hair at the same time? 11. Do you prefer and scents that could be added to the shampoo? 12. Would you purchase shampoo that would temporarily dye your hair? 13. Would you support the testing of a shampoo that didn't sting your eyes? 14. Would you buy a multipurpose gel used as shampoo and soap? 15. Do you prefer that your shampoo be a specific color? 16. Are you concerned about any chemicals that could be considered harmful to your scalp? 17. What do you consider a reasonable price for the average bottle of shampoo? 18. Would you be interested in a free sample? 19. Would you be interested in attending an event that showcased our products and allowed people to use them? 20. Did you enjoy taking this survey?

What is the percentage of water in different parts of the human body?

The percent of water in whole blood is about 82%. The non-cellular part (the Plasma) is about 93% water (it varies quite a bit on what part of the circulatory system you're in, but 93 is a good average). The cellular part (mostly (45% of total blood, 98% of cells) is about 75% water.

Related questions

How many bars of soap can be made from body fat?

One fat molecule equals three soap molecules.

What are the 10 top soap bars sold in the US?

Dove Soap bars

Which is a better buy 5 bars of soap for 1.98 or 3 bars of the same soap for 1.10?

3 bars for 1.10

Why did the in the shower say soap soap soap?

He was singing a few bars

Average French Person Uses seven bars of soap per year?

I didn't know they used any?

Did the man in the shower say soap soap soap?

He was singing a few bars

Can you carry on 8 bars of soap in your hand bag?

Bars of soap are not listed under TSA's list of prohibited items.

What did a bar of soap cost in 1960?

It depends what the soap is made out of or where you get it..... you can try and body shops to get a bar of soap or somewhere as simple as walmart or target About 1-20 dollars. Walmart would be about 4.00, same as target but if you go to a better store it would be around $20

How much soap does the average American person use per year?

About 19pounds

Why is bar soap curved?

Curved bars are less likely to break off their corners. From a profit standpoint, curved bars contain slightly less soap than completely rectangular bars with the same dimensions. Bars with sharp corners (e.g. Ivory Soap) are quickly rounded off anyway when used.

Why do soap bars leave residue in your shower?

Soap bars leave residue in your shower because it is not washed away. This residue has nowhere to go if not washed away.

Where in England would it be possible to purchase Imperial Leather soap bars or deodorant?

Imperial leather soap bars or deodorant may be purchased online. There are many websites that offer other types of toiletries and healthcare products by the Imperial Leather company.