the most accepted figure is 165 million but some estimates put the number at 220 million.
No, not all Muslims are Arabs. Islam is a global religion with followers from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. While there are many Arab Muslims, Muslims come from various countries around the world.
Indonesia is home to the largest Muslim population in the world. Pakistan has a significant Muslim population, making it one of the top countries with Muslims. India has the third-largest Muslim population globally. Bangladesh is another country with a majority of Muslims.
As of October 2009, there are about 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today (in more than 200 countries of the world). This represents 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion people. (per study done by Pew forum). Refer to related link below.60% of these Muslims live in Asia, mainly Pakistan, India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.20% of these Muslims live in North Africa and the Middle East, from Morocco to Iran.This shows a person how many Muslims are non-Arab and that Islam allows people of any background to convert and accept the religion. The country currently with the most Muslims is Indonesia.Refer to related questions below for more information.
Indonesia (203 million Muslims constituting 88.2% of Indonesian population; as of October 2009). Refer to link below.
The high percentage of Muslims in Pakistan is primarily due to the historical influence of Islam in the region, as the area that now comprises Pakistan has a long history of Islamic rulers and influence. Additionally, the creation of Pakistan as a separate Muslim-majority state during the partition of India in 1947 further solidified the predominance of Islam in the country.
The largest population of Muslims live in Indonesia. But a great many live in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Central Asia, Turkey, African and of course in the Middle East.Most Muslims live in Asia and Africa .
I'm originally from India (live in nz) and India's 2001 census puts Muslim population of India to around 160mil. Although its is likely to have gone higher by now...
Either in India or Mecca.
how many approximatly Muslims live on the city Liverpool
their are a lot of Muslims in India. i don't htink they have many problems. maybe that they could be thought as terrorists.
Muslims make up about 20% of the population of India.
not many do but some do live there.
7.6 million Muslims (22.7% of the population) live in Kerala.
Countries are not designed but are founded with a purpose or on the basis of ideology. Pakistan was founded for Muslims of India as they didn't want to live in undivided India. Muslims got this country to practice their religion freely.
Around 200 million Muslims.
The Muslims dominated India during the Maghul Empire.