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Deviance is behavior that goes against the norms and expectations of a society or group. It can range from minor infractions to serious crimes. How deviance is defined and responded to varies across cultures and time periods.

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Q: Deviance refers to any behavior that violates significant social norms?
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How are deviance and crime related?

Deviance refers to behavior that violates societal norms, while crime specifically refers to behavior that violates laws. Some deviant behavior is criminal, but not all deviance is criminal. Both deviance and crime challenge social norms and can lead to societal consequences such as stigma or legal punishment.

What is the most important about an act of deviance?

Deviance refers to behavior that violates societal norms. The most important aspect is understanding the underlying reasons for the deviant behavior, such as social, psychological, or environmental factors. Addressing these root causes can help prevent such behavior in the future.

Deviance can best be defined as what kind of behavior?

Deviance can best be defined as behavior that violates social norms or expectations within a specific culture or society. It is often seen as going against what is considered acceptable or appropriate by the majority of people.

The difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance?

Primary deviance refers to the initial act of rule-breaking or deviant behavior, while secondary deviance refers to the continued or increased engagement in deviant behavior as a result of societal reactions to the initial act. Primary deviance is typically seen as a single event, whereas secondary deviance involves a person adopting a deviant identity.

When does Mischief become Deviance?

Mischief typically involves playful or minor misbehavior, while deviance refers to behavior that significantly violates social norms or laws. Mischief becomes deviance when it crosses the line into causing harm, endangering others, or leading to serious consequences that disrupt social order or safety.

What is the difference between deviance and nonconformity?

Deviance refers to behavior that violates social norms and differs significantly from accepted standards, often considered harmful or unacceptable by society. Nonconformity, on the other hand, involves behavior that simply does not align with prevailing norms or expectations, without necessarily being harmful or inherently negative. Deviance is typically associated with more extreme or criminal behavior, while nonconformity may involve more individualistic or unconventional choices.

Identify and describe primary and secondary degrees of deviance?

Primary deviance refers to the initial act of rule-breaking behavior that may or may not be detected by others. Secondary deviance occurs when an individual's primary deviant behavior is labeled, and they begin to internalize this label, leading to continued deviant behavior and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What sociological terms refers to the recognized violation of cultural norms?

Deviance is the sociological term that refers to the recognized violation of cultural norms.

What is the Difference between conformity and deviance?

Conformity refers to individuals adopting beliefs or behaviors in line with group norms, while deviance involves individuals breaking away from these norms. Conformity promotes social cohesion and order, while deviance can lead to social disruption or change. Overall, conformity is the normative behavior, while deviance is the departure from this norm.

What is the difference between statistical deviance and social deviance?

Statistical deviance refers to observations that fall outside the expected or normal range in a dataset, often indicating outliers. Social deviance, on the other hand, refers to behaviors, actions, or characteristics that violate social norms or expectations within a society.

How do informal deviance and formal deviance differ?

Informal deviance refers to minor violations of informal social norms, while formal deviance involves breaking formal laws or rules. Informal deviance is often subjective and can vary by context, whereas formal deviance is defined by written laws and carries legal consequences.

What is Deviance that is covered by the laws of a society is called?

Deviance that is covered by the laws of a society is called criminal deviance. It refers to behaviors or actions that violate established legal codes and are considered punishable by law.