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The Ottoman Empire captured the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.

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12y ago

The Age of Exploration, or Age of Discovery, began some time in the early fifteenth century and lasted roughly two hundred years until the seventeenth century. The first of all the journeys associated with the age of discover were made by the Portuguse under Prince Henry the Navigator. Not like any voyage they had ever been on covered this much of an area. Because we could not fly to space to make an exact map these navigators based their maps and direction off of land features. Because of this Prince Henry stayed along the Coastlines. Eventually, straying out of sight of the coastlines, the Portuguese discovered the Madeira Islands and eight years later Azores. They had come closer than any before in establishing a new trade route to Western Africa. Only this route didn't require going all the way to the bottom of Africa and all the way back up the other side.

Though the desire to discover and explore is a typical characteristic in humans, this desire was furthered by stories of new worlds that could be accessed, like the one of Prince Henry or Christopher Columbus, for the first time in human history.

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The search for new trading routes, which was facilitated by technological advancements in navigation such the compass, likely launched the age of exploration.

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8y ago

The need for new trade routes to the east, the desire to spread Christianity, and competition between European countries

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Competition among European countries-APEX

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Q: Which of these events was a major motivating factor in the launch of the Age of Exploration during the 15th century?
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