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nothing acid rain does not mean corrode your skin. acid rain is formed by sulphur dioxide reacting with water in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid however this acid does not have a really low PH like other acids it has a PH of 4 or 5 and therefore will only corrode rocks such as limestone over a long period of time

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Q: What happens when acid rain hits you?
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How does acid rain happen?

Acid Rain happens whenever the air has been recently polluted

What happens to metal when there is acid rain?

people die duhhh

Where does acid rain happens?

Acid rain is a result of having sulfur dioxide in the air. It happens everywhere but mainly near factories where they pump out a lot of waste gas including sulfur dioxide.

What happens with the pH level in Acid Rain?

it becomes more acidic

What happens when the chemicals in air pollution combine with precipatations?

Acid rain.

What happens when acid rain attacks rocks?

It will corroed the rock away

How do the chemicals get in acid rain?

Through fossils fuels being burnt which release sulphar dioxide and/or nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere which then condenses in clouds to form acid rain. Less harmful and acidic acid rain is from carbon dioxide. This acid rain is present everywhere and happens naturally.

What happens when you burn sulphur in the air?

It mixes with clouds and create acid rain.

What happens when acid rain touches iron?

When acid rain touches iron, a chemical reaction occurs that causes the iron to corrode or rust. The acid in the rain reacts with the iron to form iron oxide, which weakens the metal and can eventually lead to its deterioration and structural damage.

What is rain acid?

rain with acid

Is acid rain rain with acid?

Yes, Acid rain is rain with higher than normal levels of nitric and sulfuric acid.

Different types of acid rain?

carbonic acid rain and sulfuric acid rain