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Quite simply, workplace bullying will dampen your motivation to even get out of bed and get yourself to work.

Depending on what specific type of bullying it is, you also may not feel like:

  • speaking up, sharing ideas, and basically attracting attention
  • the quantity of work you do could be affected (if the type of bullying is the "go buy me something- or else" type)
  • the quality of your work may be lowered. When you are bullied, your self esteem takes a big blow- you feel miserable, and un-selfmotivated.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Workplace bullying may reduce an employee's esteem, safety and security, and self actualization according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Workplace bullying can also affect one's self efficacy. An employee with low self efficacy, when bullied, can experience a decline in their already low self efficacy which may decrease his/her need for achievement, need for power, and need for affiliation based on McClelland's theory of needs. There are not too many people, which if they are being bullied would want to achieve a new position, attain power, or even want to belong to such a company where other employee's are bullies.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
  • One or more employees who are bullied or threats of being fired has no place in a company. Supervisors should be on top of bullying and give one warning to the bully and if the bully does not shape up then the Supervisor needs to go to Management regarding the bully and fire them out the door. By not handling bullies in the workplace this can cause a division of employees meaning that some employees will side with the bully for fear of being picked on or losing their job while other employees will simply take more time off work from the every day stress of bullying and their work suffers. A smart company would never allow such bullying because the employee or employees being bullied would not produce good work; take too much sick leave off or perhaps find other work and the company will not get their monies worth and will suffer a large turn-over of employees which is bad PR.
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