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strong acids are corrosive which can burn our skin.

strong alkalis are dangerous as if they go in our mouth our mouth will swell up .

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Q: What are the good and bad effects of acids and alkalis on the people and the environment?
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Are alkalis and acids dangerous?

Alkalis and acids can be dangerous if handled improperly. They can cause burns, irritation, and other harmful effects if they come into contact with skin, eyes, or other tissues. It is important to use appropriate precautions when working with alkalis and acids to prevent accidents and injuries.

Do acids counteract alkalis?

Yes, acids neutralize alkalis and inverse.

Household acids and alkalis?

households acids and alkalis is formic acid and syitric acid

Does toothpaste contain acids or alkalis?

Most toothpastes contain alkalis , however some can contain acids.

What is the positive and negative effects of acids in the home and in the environment?

Positive effects: Acids are commonly used for cleaning purposes in the home, as they can break down greasy and oily substances effectively. In the environment, acids can contribute to the natural breakdown of organic matter and nutrient cycling in ecosystems. Negative effects: In the home, acids can be corrosive and damaging to surfaces if not handled properly. In the environment, acids from sources like acid rain can harm aquatic life, vegetation, and soil quality, leading to long-term ecological damage.

Can alkalis be transported by road?

Yes alkalis and acids can be transported by road.

Do acids react with alkalis in a combustion reaction?

No, acids and alkalis do not react in a combustion reaction. Combustion reactions involve a substance reacting with oxygen to produce heat and light. Acids and alkalis typically do not react in this way.

What acids or alkalis are in indegestion?


Is an vinegar a acids or an alkalis?


Are acids and alkalis the same?

No, acids and alkalis are not the same. Acids are compounds that release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, whereas alkalis are compounds that release hydroxide ions when dissolved in water. Acids have a pH less than 7, while alkalis have a pH greater than 7.

How can you tell how strong acids and alkalis are using the pH scale?

Acids have a pH under 7, alkalis have a pH bigger than 7.

What are the types of acids and alkalis?

Acids can be classified as inorganic acids(eg.HCL) versus organic acids(carbolic acid).Acids can be classified as weak(eg.acetic acid) versus strong acids(eg.nitric acid).Alkalis can be classified as weak versus strong.