Urbanization Suburbanization Counter urbanization
rural-urban migration
unplanned urbanization causes deferent problems
There are several causes of modernization. Some of the causes of modernization include urbanization, social progress, technological advancements, and education.
Causes of urbanization include rural to urban migration, natural population growth, job opportunities in urban areas, and improved infrastructure and services in cities. This trend is mainly fueled by economic development and industrialization.
Read this book:Lugalla, Joe. Crisis, Urbanization, and Urban Poverty in Tanzania: a Study of Urban Poverty and Survival Politics. Lanham, MD: University of America, 1995.Best description you can find.
The causes of urbanization in Nigeria would be the general movement of people towards the towns because they feel there is a better life and more chance of employment there. The primary effects of this are that the towns become much more crowded and the rural areas lose the people they need to manage and farm the land.
urbanization causes people to loose their jobs or maybe not even get one because there are too many people and they all need jobs. urbanization also creates more litter because people think that becasue there is so much already around they can do the same. urbanization may also cause more businesses to relocate there because there are so many people to buy into the business.
The land breeze causes the air to move counterclockwise
Counter urbanization is happening in various regions around the world, including rural areas in developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and Australia. People are moving away from major cities in search of a slower pace of life, lower cost of living, and improved access to nature and outdoor activities. This trend is particularly noticeable in places with good internet connectivity, allowing individuals to work remotely.
Education, Mass Communication, Urbanization and Industrialization, Ideology based on nationalism, Charismatic Leadership, and Coercive Governmental Authority
Education, Mass Communication, Urbanization and Industrialization, Ideology based on nationalism, Charismatic Leadership, and Coercive Governmental Authority