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Detachment:soil particles are detached from the soil mass due to rain splash.



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Q: What are the 3 phases of soil erosion?
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What are 3 factors that increase soil erosion?

Deforestation removes the protective cover of trees, increasing soil erosion. Agricultural practices that involve intensive tilling or monoculture can leave soil exposed and vulnerable to erosion. Overgrazing by livestock can compact soil, reduce vegetation cover, and lead to increased erosion.

How does a person cause soil erosion?

how does a person cause a soil erosion

Can plants grow healthily in such soil erosion?

no,soil cannot grow in such soil erosion because soil erosion damages the upper fertile layer of soil which caries away the fertility of soil and take humus from it

What forms soil erosion?

Soil erosion can occur through water erosion (like rainfall washing away soil) or wind erosion (where soil particles are carried away by the wind). Human activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, and improper agricultural practices can also contribute to soil erosion.

Checking of soil erosion steps?

soil erosion on hill sloppes can be checked by

Is erosion on soil the same thing as soil erosion?

Yes its the same thing.

What factors can effect soil erosion?

Factors that can affect soil erosion include steep slopes, intense rainfall, lack of vegetative cover, poor soil structure, and human activities like deforestation and agriculture practices that disturb the soil. These factors can increase the likelihood of soil being washed or blown away, leading to erosion.

How soil erosion damages soil?

soil erosion damages the soil because it does not let plants grow well when topsoil is removedgcv

Does crop rotation lead to soil erosion?

No, The crop rotation is to avoide soil erosion.

What is the three kind of soil erotion?

The three main types of soil erosion are wind erosion, water erosion, and tillage erosion. Wind erosion occurs when soil particles are lifted and carried away by wind. Water erosion involves the movement of soil due to rainfall, runoff, and streams. Tillage erosion occurs when soil is disturbed by agricultural practices like plowing, leading to its displacement.

A layer in a soil profile?

1. decomposing 2.humus 3. erosion 4. soil layer

Does erosion create soil?

Erosion wears away soil and rock, leading to the transfer of sediment to new locations. Ultimately, the process of erosion can contribute to the creation of new soil in different areas as the sediments accumulate and break down over time.