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really darlin, we're not very good at "Subtlety". hahaha.. but no, seriously, if he wants to date you, its probably a sign for the positive. even those of us who dont want sex right away, arent going to be pursuing a woman we find grotesque. other than that, there are those of us who are considerably more direct. some straight out ask for it. what i want to add, is do not belive that just because a guy wants to sleep with you, it means he loves you. not all guys are like this, but there are some sharks out there, and they will tell you exactly what you want to hear, then after they have what they want, leave immediately. or maybe not even that, maybe they will stick around just so they can get it whenever they want. my guess is that what you are REALLY looking for is being loved. never sell yourself short. go listen to "I knew you before" by Dustin Kensrue, and look up the lyrics, think about them, and remember you were meant to be beautiful, and because its the truth, its worth alot.

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16y ago
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12y ago

If a guy is attracted to you he will do very common things, you just need to look for these things that he might do. The most common things are texting, but watch out for obsessiveness - that means he's probably desperate. Then there's the old what are you doing this weekend? He's most likely wanting to know where you will be and some way make sure he will be there to, or if your not busy he might then ask you to hang out with him. Don't be fooled by a meeting for coffee or a trip to the movies, he's obviously not just looking to have a buddy if he wants to hang out with you alone. Just make sure that these meetings are about the two of you. Also make sure he's not married or already has a girlfriend, unless your in to that sort of thing.

  • 2

If you like a guy and want to know if he is attracted to you then you need to ask him questions. If that doesn't work you need him to ask you questions. Use body language and touch him in some way that is appropriate. I always like it when a girl comes up behind me and puts her hand on my back, just to let me know she is there. Come up with a funny handshake, get him to touch you without being sexual.

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14y ago

Well, for one he'll get hard around you.... alot. Sometimes, idk why but it seems like the guy might be a little embarassed to be turned on by you, and he won't tell you until much later.If you don't want that to happen, if you want him to talk to you, then YOU, hunny, must take over. If he's your boyfriend, hug him and pull his body close to you. If you're feeling something against your thigh, chances are he does have an erection. So ask him if he does :) Also, if he pulls you tighter and tighter to him when you're hugging, he probably wants you to feel that he's hard... So bring it up slyly. Say "Hmmmmm....when we were hugging, I noticed something...". When he asks what, say "I think you know ;) " ... If he does he may start get a little nervous, giggly, and keep asking what. Then you ask him what he was thinking when you were hugging. If he stammers, he was turned on.Try making slightly sexual comments while you're around him. If his face flushes, and he starts stammering a bit or gets really quiet, he's thinking things about you and him ;). There's a lot of subtle hints a guy will drop, but if you and he are close, and you really want to know, just ASK him. If he was turned on and tells you so, and you are sure you WANT to have that kind of relationship (which is perfectly normal to want lol), then you have to encourage him by letting him know you liked it. I.E when you spoke about hugging him, tell him "well, I really like feeling things....". Guys minds are programmed to want to turn you on and please you, so if he was turned on by you and got that type of reaction from you, chances are he is going to repeat the scenario again and again. Keep giving him positive feedback, and he'll keep coming up with things to turn YOU on too ;)

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13y ago

Trust me. You will know. Normally, when guys express their feelings they normally get really hormonal and we all know what happens when people get hormonal. They get pimples! If you talk to a guy for a while and then leave him wanting more, he will feel like he is missing out. He will go home 'and have fun under the blankets' if you get me!

If they come back to school or work and they have a pimple on their face then you know that they like you.

Also, another way to see is if they get real protective around you. If you start talking to another guy and that one barges in unexpectedly, then they probally like you also.

Also!! Look at his body language. If he is pointing his bottom half really close to you then he probally likes you, if he gets right up in your face he probaly likes you and if he talk to you loads and I mean LOADS then he probally likes you.

Hope I helped! xx

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14y ago
Answer He invites you out with his friends. He over hears your plans to go out and invites himself along.
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15y ago

yUH kNO A qUY iS R3AllY AttRCt3D tO yUH Wh3N h3: 1. SMiL3S At yUH 2. DO SUMtHN fUNNY & tRY tU MAk3 yUH lAUqH 3. HiTS ON yUH PlAYfULLY

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15y ago

just try to talk with him. If he is nervos to talk to u.Then get confirmed that he is attracted to u.............

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14y ago

If they keep chatting to you on facebook or stuff.. :)

or ask for your number and thatt

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Q: How do you tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you?
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How do you tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you-?

You can tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you by how he treats you. If he is always trying to touch to you and get close, he may be sexually attracted to you.

How can you be sexually attracted to a guy?

If by "how" you mean how do you know if you are indeed sexually attracted to a if you find a guy attractive. If you're asking on how you can make yourself be sexually attracted to a guy, that should come naturally, and if it doesn't it's probably best if you don't bother with that guy anyways.

What is to be turned on by a guy?

Made attracted to him, maybe sexually.

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When a guy says he is attracted to you sexually, he is expressing a physical desire for you. It means he is physically interested in engaging in intimate activities with you.

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No, not at all. It is only gay if you are sexually attracted to the other guy.

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No, not at all. It is only gay if the guy is sexually attracted to the other guy.

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No, not at all. It is only gay if the guy is sexually attracted to the other guy.

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Dont know, your not sexually attracted to him?

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No, not at all. It is only gay if you are sexually attracted to the other guy.

When can you tell if you are gay or lesbian?

Uh...the same way you can tell if you are heterosexual. If you are gay you are a male who is sexually/romantically attracted to other males. If you are a lesbian you are a female who is sexually/romantically attracted to other females.

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It basically means he is attracted to you, mainly sexually.

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No. He is only gay if he is sexually attracted to those genitalia.