you could buy a bouncy ball, two small gumballs or a really big one,jaw breaker,lots of those little squre pieces of gum .lollipop,extra small bag of chips,the little toys from the 25 and 50 cent machines
If they really cost only one cent and there is no tax involved, you could buy 150. One dollar equals 100 cents, and .50 means 50 cents.
50 Cent
Even if 50 Cent didn't have a drivers liscense with all the money he has he can buy a drivers lisence so I'm sure he has one by now.
how many apples costing 8 cents can i buy with 50 cents 50 multiply by 8=400
You can buy 15, if there is no tax involved. One dollar is 100 cents, and .50 means 50 cents.
Download its free at
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50 Cent is a rapper.
50 cent
50 cent
50 cent
No, 50 Cent is already successful.