Medusa was once a beautiful woman, worshiping the goddess Athena. Then a God, named Poseidon, noticed her beauty and raped her. When Medusa begged Athena for help, Athena instead punished Medusa because in her mind it should be Medusa who should be punished (Athena was jealous of Medusa, and apparently to the Gods its perfectly okay to allow an innocent woman to be raped and then punished for being the victim)
it is the snake
Las jaleas son carnívoras, se alimentan de plancton, crustáceos, huevos de peces, peces pequeños y otras medusas. Las medusas son carnívoras.
mean and coldblooded
Medusa did not have a job.
Pegasus and Chrysaor by Poseidon.
my butt
Ceto, or Gorgon.