The Box turtle Family is Emydidae
It depends what type of turtle. Some tertles can hurt incredibly bad, when others are near harmless.
The snapping turtle will try to attack or kill the box turtle. Some times even eat the box turtle
It depends on the type of turtle. For example, the box turtle hatches in 9-10 weeks while the painted turtle hatches in 2-3 months. Also, work on your spelling.
It depends on the type of turtle it is. A female spotted turtle can only have 1 or 2 eggs due to its size, it only gets 5 in long. A Box turtle can have 7 or eight eggs due to its size, it gets up to a foot long. See, it all depends on what type of turtle it is and how long they get.
A boy box turtle.
Chinese box turtle was created in 1863.
Your box turtle is hiding because it is scare of something
The Eastern Box Turtle is classified as terrapene carolina carolina.The Western Box Turtle is classified as terrapene ornata.
yes it is
it depends on many factors
Keeled box turtle grows to About seven inches