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it brought great change because the artists like vinci encouraged religious people to be involved in art and literature by his paintingas like last supper

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The Renaissance emphasized Humanism, individualism, and classical learning, leading to a shift in perspective towards art, literature, and religion. It promoted creativity, innovation, and a focus on human potential, resulting in new artistic styles, literary themes, and religious interpretations that challenged traditional beliefs and conventions.

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Q: How did the Renaissance bring a change in the way people thought about things such as art literature and religion?
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What were some of the changes brought about by the Renaissance.?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)

Four areas of change during the Renaissance?

1. government 2. literature and thought 3. The arts 4. science

What were some of the changed brought about by the renaissance period?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)

What were some of the changes brought about the renaissance period?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)

What were some of the changes brought about by the Renaissance period?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)

How did the literature change during the Renaissance?

Shakespeare changed the entire part of renaissance literature. Shakespeare used his creative plays and poetry to change 80% of literature during the renaissance period/era. Also many people could read bibles because of the printing press and learned that many things the church taught was wrong.

Four major areas in which change occured during the renaissance were?

Art, Government, Literature, Science.

What ideals of the renaissance were portrayed in its art and literature?

the pain that the people suffered from the change, and the desires of the people

Four major areas of change during the Renaissance included?

government science the arts literature

The Renaissance can best be described as?

a gradual change in the way people viewed things

Why did the renaissance and reformation change how europeans viewed themselves religion and their role in the world?

Religous and Social Issues.

Instead of religion the reniassance focused on?

The focus started to change from God to man. Man started to take center stage with the Humanists. Although, this was a very gradual change, religion was still extremely important to the people during the Renaissance.