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I take it that you're wondering what The Bible would indicate? Because if you asked someone who doesn't even believe in God; they'd probably say 'NO'.

But the Bible does indicate that there's going to be a resurrection in the future. I think some other religions teach that Moses & Elijah will be 'reincarnated'; so perhaps those religions will contribute some information on this subject from their viewpoint.

Regarding Lazarus (a friend of Jesus): The Bible states that he was dead for 4 days. His body even stunk. Jesus said to Martha in John 11:23: "Your brother will rise." Martha said: "I know he will rise 'in the resurrection'. . . ." Martha also seemed to know approx when the resurrection would be; she said: "on the last day." John 11:25

Then Jesus gave a sampling of his resurrection powers. He raised Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus came back 'in the flesh'.

We might wonder: Where was Lazarus during those 4 days of 'death'? If Lazarus would have gone to heaven, certainly he would have spoken about his wonderful experience. If Lazarus went to heaven, Jesus would have had to call him back down. This is just not fair to be dragged back down to earth. Obviously Lazarus was 'dead', not alive in a different form. In fact, Jesus likened 'death' to 'sleep' in John 11:11. When the disciples said that then he would get better; Jesus clarified in verse 14 that "Lazarus has died."

Think about it: Since Jesus likened 'death' with 'sleep'; -- When we go to sleep - - do we wake up in a different form; or do we wake up 'in the flesh'?

The Apostle Paul stated that there is going to be a resurrection of the 'righteous and the unrighteous'.

But Jesus also taught that some would have a heavenly reward. They would be sealed, adopted, and begotten as 'sons of God'. They would need to be 'born again' for this to happen. Elijah and Moses were not 'born again'. They lived way before Jesus' time. So like Lazarus, they are apparently still sleeping in death; awaiting 'the last day'.

Some people think that Elijah was taken to 'heaven'. But the Bible uses the word 'heaven' in various ways. (a) the atmosphere where the birds fly is called heaven'; (b) the Universe of planets and galaxies is also called 'heaven'; (c) and the realm where God exists, the spirit realm, is also called 'heaven'; (d) and there is also another meaning). The Bible states that Elijah was caught up 'in a windstorm'. Windstorms are in the 'atmosphere-heaven'. So apparently Elijah was merely transported away from where he was, to a different location. Later Elijah is still spoken of as being on earth.

Based on this line of reasoning, and many other scriptures; it seems that YES, Moses and Elijah will come back 'in the flesh'. Of course, we will have to wait and see.

I hope this is helpful. Perhaps there are other views out there that I'm not aware of.

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Q: Will moses and Elijah come back to earth in the flesh?
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