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Constantine I

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Hao Yang

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Q: Who helped to socially and politically unify the early byzantine empire by tolerating and even promoting Christianity?
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Who were the key figures in promoting Christianity in Europe?

St. Paul, who spread Christianity as far as Rome. Constantine made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire.

Who are Cyril and Methodius?

Cyril and Methodius were brothers who were Byzantine Christian theologians and missionaries. They are credited with creating the Glagolitic alphabet and translating the Bible into the Old Church Slavonic language, spreading Christianity among the Slavic peoples. They are considered the patron saints of Europe for their efforts in spreading Christianity and promoting literacy among the Slavic people.

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Child abuse occurs in all cultures and no single culture can be identified as tolerating or promoting a higher rate of child abuse compared to others. It is important to address the issue of child abuse as a societal problem that requires prevention, intervention, and support regardless of cultural background.

What are two achievements of the Byzantines?

The use of Mosaics (glass collages) In both public and religious buildings. The most famous Byzantine building is the Hagia Sophia, a domed church built during the reign of Justinian and Constantinople.

What religion did Justinian and Constantine practice?

Justinian and Constantine practiced Christianity. Constantine was known for being the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, while Justinian was a devout Christian who played a significant role in promoting and enforcing Christian beliefs during his reign.

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The system used to address the differences between Christianity and other religions was called ecumenism. This approach aimed to promote dialogue and understanding between different religions in order to foster religious tolerance and cooperation. It sought to find common ground and mutual respect among believers of different faiths.

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Thomas D. Halsted has written: 'Our missions' -- subject(s): History, London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, Missions to Jews

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David Livingstone believed that opening the interior of Africa to Christianity and trade would help end the slave trade and bring economic development, education, and healthcare to the region. His goal was to improve the lives of the African people by promoting commerce, spreading Christianity, and combating the exploitation of indigenous populations.

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