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Acts 27:1 - And when it was decided that we should sail to Italy, they delivered Paul and some other prisoners to one named Julius, a centurion of the Augustan Regiment.[NKJV]

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Q: What was the name of the centurion who looked after Paul on the journey to Rome?
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On what island was Paul shipwrecked on his voyage to Rome?

According to Acts of the Apostles, Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Malta on his way to Rome. There is no confirmation in Paul's own epistles of either the appeal to Caesar or the journey to Rome, and Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) says that some dismiss the account of Paul's hazardous sea journey in Acts 27:1-28:14 as novelistic fiction. On this view, there was no shipwreck on Paul's way to Rome.

Did Paul go to Rome twice?

Paul's own epistles give no information, other than that he plannedto go to Rome. Since there is no confirmation in Paul's own epistles of the appeal to Caesar and the journey to Rome, some challenge the historicity of Acts and dismiss the account of Paul's hazardous sea journey in Acts 27:1-28:14 as novelistic fiction. The only other source that could help us is Clement of Rome, who appears to suggest that Paul eventually went to Spain. If so, Paul almost certainly went to Rome at least one time.

What was St Paul's last journey?

AnswerMany Christians believe Paul's last journey was the journey as a prisoner to Rome, described in Acts of the Apostles. However, there is no mention in the undisputed (or even the pseudonymous) Pauline letters of the appeal to Caesar and the journey to Rome, and some dismiss the account of Paul's hazardous sea journey in Acts as novelistic fiction.Another source, 1 Clement, written around the same time as Acts or perhaps a little earlier, reports that Paul "travelled to the extreme west" (Spain), before he bore witness to the ruling authorities and died.So, we have two different sources, both written decades after the time of Paul, with one saying that his last journey was to Rome, while the other says that his last journey was to Spain. While there is no reason to expect Paul's extant epistles to mention the final trip to Spain, if indeed it did occur, it is a little surprising that there was no confirmation of the final journal to Rome, if this account was correct.We can choose to believe that Paul's last journey was either to Rome or to Spain, but we can not be certain. It may even have been to yet another destination.

What is the background of the book of Romans?

Here Paul was in Corinth and it was his third missionary journey , as he could not visit Rome he sent this letter to the people in Rome.

How many missionary journeys did paul made before his first imprisonment in rome?

FourHe made 4 because he went to rome and sapin and then back to rome so I would include that as his 4rth journey.

What chapter can you find where Jesus sends Peter to Rome centurion?

If I understand your question correctly, you'll find Peter going to the household of the Roman centurion Cornelius in Acts 10.

What areas of Mediterranean Europe did Paul the apostle visit?

Paul the apostle visited various areas of Mediterranean Europe including Greece, Italy, and possibly Spain. Some of the cities he visited are Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome, where he spread the teachings of Christianity.

How do you know Luke accompanied John on their journey to Rome?

Because Luke accompanied John on their journey to Rome

What is the name of the ship that Apostle Paul was on?

In Acts of the Apostles chapter 27, Paul is sent by ship to Rome for his trial. Acts does not say what the name of the ship was.Since there is no confirmation in Paul's letters of the appeal to Caesar and the journey to Rome, some dismiss the account of Paul's hazardous sea voyage in Acts as novelistic fiction. On this view, there was no ship and therefore no name of the ship.

What misfortune did Paul encounter on the way to Rome?

Paul encountered a shipwreck while on his way to Rome. The ship, carrying him and other prisoners, was caught in a storm and ultimately ran aground on the island of Malta. Paul and all the passengers survived the shipwreck.

Sentences for the word centurion?

A centurian was an army officer of ancient Rome who was in charge of about one hundred soldiers.

What island did Paul preach on?

Paul preached on the island of Malta, also known as Melita, during his journey to Rome as a prisoner. He stayed there for three months after being shipwrecked while traveling to Italy.