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Greek not latin

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Q: What language was the book of revelation written in?
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The Book of Revelation was written by?

The author of Revelation is John of Patmos

What has the author David Mathewson written?

David Mathewson has written: 'Verbal aspect in the Book of Revelation' -- subject(s): Bible, Biblical Greek language, Tense, Language, style, Aspect

Name the last book in the bible?

REVELATION The last book in the Bible is "The Apocalypse", commonly now known as "The Book of Revelation" or casually as "Revelations". It was written by St. John.

What has the author Edward A Yonan written?

Edward A. Yonan has written: 'The language of revelation and reflection'

What was the last written book and when in the new testament?

The last book in the bible is the book of revelation, it is by John.

Which book is the last book in the Bible Mark or Revelation?

The book of Revelation is considered by Biblical scholars to be the last book of the Bible written. It was written by the Apostle John through revelation from God. Following is one reference on the approximate dates when books of the Bible were written:

Which came first the book of Revelation or the books of 1st 2nd 3rd John?

The books of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John were written before the book of Revelation. The general consensus is that 1st John was written around AD 90-95, while Revelation was written around AD 95-96.

Who wrote the first and last book of the bible?

The first book of the Bible is Exodus and it was written by Moses. The last book of the Bible is Revelation and it was written by the apostle John.

What are the relationships between apocalyptic literature and prophecy?

Apocalypse, or Revelation, is the name of the last book in the Bible, written toward the end of the first century C.E. In view of the prophetic nature and highly symbolic language of this book, the adjective "apocalyptic" came to be applied to a form of literature that began long before the Bible book of Revelation was written. Prophecy can be defined as an inspired message; a revelation of the divine will and purpose. Prophecy may be a prediction of something to come, inspired moral teaching, or an expression of a divine command or judgment.

Is revelation part of new testement or old testement?

The book of Revelations is the last book of the new testament, it is written by the apostle John , when in exile on the island of Patmos.

How long did it take to write the book of revelation?

The Book of Revelation in the Bible is thought to have been written around 96 A.D. There is no conclusive school of thought as to how long it took to actually write the book.

How long ago was the last book of the bible written?

The last book of the Bible written was "Revelation' in 95AD, so in 2012 it was 1917 years ago.