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Answer this question…During the first 17 centuries of human existence, everyone spoke just one language, having "one set of words. Today, literally thousands of languages-some say over 6,800-are spoken in the world. Each of these languages requires different thought patterns. It appears, then, that when Jehovah God confused the speech of those rebels, he blotted out all memory of their previous common language. He not only introduced into their minds new vocabularies but also changed their thought patterns and produced new grammars. No wonder the location of that tower came to be called "Confusion," or Babel!

Interestingly, only The Bible gives a satisfying explanation of the origin of the diversity of languages that we see today. ---(Watchtower Online Library)

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According to the Bible, after the Flood, all mankind spoke one and the same language. It is not given any name in the Genesis account, just that it was the only common language of all peoples.

In the Genesis account, after Noah's Flood at the building of the Tower of Babel, all the people shared the same language. Because of this unifying tool, mankind was advancing too fast and off course in the wrong direction as history clearly highlights through the centuries. In order to separate the various peoples of mankind, God caused different groups to suddenly speak only in new languages different from one another-so that the various groups could no longer readily understand one another (see Genesis 11). Many biblical scholars believe technological progress would have advanced too quickly, leading to all sorts of potential trouble for the ancient world.

Many modern secular scholars may not accept this biblical account, but they cannot deny that breaking down the language barrier helps people overcome differences and accomplish much more.

After the Babel incident, languages evolved and further divided as people groups split up, with tribes becoming isolated for periods in their migrations. And as different peoples interacted, their languages also influenced one another. Today, the Linguistic Society of America estimates that there are 6,809 languages in use in the world.

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Q: What language did the people speak when they built the Tower of Babel?
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Where was the Tower of Babel built?

The Tower of Babel was built in Shinar on the plains. This is described as somewhere in the area of Mesopotamia, but no one actually knows exactly where.

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