I don't remember the exact number, 7-800 something. BUt of course he had a million wives The most prolific father of all time is believed to be the last Sharifian Emperor of Morocco, Mulai Ismail (1646-1727). In 1703 he had at least 342 daughters and 525 sons and by 1721 he was reputed to have 700 male descendents.
Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.Your question is one that is debated in historical circles. We know that Julius Caesar had one daughter, but he fathered her when he was a very young man, in his teens. He never had any other children as an adult despite three marriages and many, many affairs. This raises many questions, especially about the claim of Cleopatra that her son was fathered by Caesar.
The most prolific father of all time is believed to be the last Sharifian Emperor of Morocco, Mulai Ismail (1646-1727). In 1703 he had at least 342 daughters and 525 sons and by 1721 he was reputed to have 700 male descendents. Found on www.geneamusings.com. Ghengis Khan is also said to have had hundreds of children.
291 in the old Egyptian times there was a man who had 219 kids but not all by the same woman.
Since Zeus was sort of a ladies man, Hera had many women to be jealous of. He fathered lots of illegitimate children who ended up being demigod war heroes.
A couple in my local town have 23 children all there own some are adults now and wont have more than 2 kids! (never have kids for the sake of it) these kids didnt get the love they needed.
Yes, a 50 year old can get a girl pregnant. Men have fathered children at a much older age.
Men in good health can produce good quality sperm well into their senior years and men of over 60 have successfully fathered children.
His name is Roch 'Moïse' Thériault, and yes it's a true story. Several of his wives have stayed with him and he has fathered more children via conjugal visits.
Men continue to produce sperm all their lives. there are children are fathered by 90 year old's. the quality and motility of the sperm reduces as a man ages. Between the ages of 30 and 50 there is a 30% drop in the sperm count. and they are 37% slower.