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Humanities are a group of subjects relating to art and human experience: such as Art, Sociology, Literature and so forth. Humanism is a philosophy about how to live ones life and be a good and nice person. It contains no religious views, and is an atheist philosophy.

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Q: What is the difference between humanities and humanism?
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Humanism got its inspiration from classical Greek and Roman philosophy, which emphasized the potential of human beings to be rational, creative, and ethical. Humanism also drew from the Renaissance emphasis on individualism, secularism, and the study of the humanities such as literature, history, and art.

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There is a direct relationship between humanities and arts. Humanities are a study of various cultures which arts are usually part of.

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The shift from church scholastic education to humanities inspired the Humanism movement. Humanism emphasized the importance of individualism, critical thinking, and a focus on human potential and achievement. It had a significant impact on art, literature, and philosophy during the Renaissance period.

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Humanism encouraged a focus on human potential, individualism, intellectual pursuits, and appreciation for the arts and humanities. It also promoted questioning of traditional beliefs and values, and a more secular outlook on life.

What word describes the secular scholarships of the renaissance?

Secular Humanism is about using reason, ethics, and social justice and rejecting dogma and superstition.

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How did Christian humanism different from the earlier form of humanism that developed in Italy?

it differed from the difference just like how cool i am