I heard it in an interveiw with some relgious magazine> Billy is a Baptist
Diane Gilman died in 1998.
Greek Orthodox
I saw on nndb that he is christian
Good question Billy. Can I call you Billy? Doesn't matter. Billy there comes a time in every man's life when he must ask himself this question: What did they do in their religion? And with this comes a simple response: it. They did it in their religion. Thank you and godspeed. Good question Billy. Can I call you Billy? Doesn't matter. Billy there comes a time in every man's life when he must ask himself this question: What did they do in their religion? And with this comes a simple response: it. They did it in their religion. Thank you and godspeed.
it's a cult
rock music
He is a Protestant It said in his profile.
From the things he says, no.
The new interest in religion was reflected in the popularity of individuals such as Billy Graham, a prominent Christian evangelist, and the rise of charismatic religious leaders in various faith traditions.