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A subtheory (sub-theory) is a theory which is based upon, or largely contained within, a larger theory. For instance, in my own field of sociology, value conflict theory might be considered a subtheory of conflict theory. Similarly, social exchange theory is a subtheory of social behaviorism.

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Q: What is a sub theory?
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The drought in sub Saharan Africa, decrease in life expectancy in Kenya, increase in HIV infection in Botswana and ground water scarcity in India have proved the theory true. It is seen in south Asia and sub Sahara.

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In fields of intensive advance, (sub-atomic theory such as string theory for example), then our understanding of previously settled ideas will change. Though this is not a frequent occurrence, it must be so.

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Sir syed ahmed khan

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Probably something to do with penis's The big bang theory also has a sub theory that you must divide the seconds of sex by the midget's age and multiply that by two and add the number of the normal persons

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What are the sub-courses of political science?

Some common sub-fields of political science include comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public administration, and political economy. Each sub-field focuses on different aspects of politics and government, allowing for a broader understanding of political systems and behavior.

What are some examples of social structures?

In criminology, Social Structure Theory consists of three main sub-theories: Social Disorganization, Strain, and Cultural Deviance.

What are those translation theories?

Translation theory is considered, most of the times, as a descriptive discipline which tries to define the mental processes involved in the act of translating, like decoding, deverbalising etc. Coseriu considers translation theory to be just a sub-field of language theory. Translation theory is rarely a normative discipline. For this reason, most translators tend to consider it as being of little use for their profession.