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yes she is jewish

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Q: What is Erin Andrews ethnic heritage she looks like she is Jewish could she be?
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Can Jesus and his message be understood outside the context of his Jewish heritage?

A:Yes. Obviously his Jewish heritage is part of the story of Jesus, but his message bears some close similarities to that of the Stoics and could be understood equally well in a Stoic context. Ethical teachings are universal.

Is Janowski a Jewish name?

Janowski could easily be a Polish name. Jews, who as an ethnic group have lived in many countries, have a variety of names, which could include Janowski.

What disease did only Jewish people could contract after World War 2?

There is not such thing as a disease that only one ethnic groups can contract.

What is considered a mixed race?

Mixed race refers to individuals who have heritage from multiple racial or ethnic backgrounds. It can encompass a variety of combinations, and individuals may identify with more than one racial or ethnic group.

Is Jewish a heritage as well as a religion?

Yes; it's a 3800-year old unbroken tradition going back to Abraham. See also:Jewish history timeline

Why did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis persecute Jewish Germans?

Hitler saw Jews as inferior to ethnic Germans. He exploited German anti-Semitism to enable his genocidal plans.

What is family heritage?

A family heritage is whatever you inherit from your family. This may be a social heritage such as your manners, social position, food preferences, etc. It could be your family history. It could also be your hair color, skin tone etc.

What is a family heritage?

A family heritage is whatever you inherit from your family. This may be a social heritage such as your manners, social position, food preferences, etc. It could be your family history. It could also be your hair color, skin tone etc.

Is the surname gadd Jewish?

The English surname Gadd is first found in the very early records of Hertfordshire, where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor. These days, a person of any heritage or faith could bear the surname of "Gadd".

Is Schulenburger German or Jewish?

It could be both - Jewish names and German names are often similar and it could be that your ancestors were both Jewish and German (Jews living in Germany).

Could Jewish and non-Jewish sources throughout the ages have agreed that charity and society welfare are hallmarks of?

Jewish life. Jewish life.

Were all those accused of being Jews actually Jews?

Assuming that this is asking about Nazi German accusations of Jews' identity as Jews, the Nazis' records of who was a Jew or had Jewish ancestry were actually quite precise. However, since the Nazis were looking for anyone who had a Jewish grandparent, there were a number of people who were accused of being Jewish who were completely unaware that they had a Jewish grandparent. This occurred either because the person never met the Jewish grandparent or the grandparent lied to them about his or her religion. As a result, these ethnic Jews, who were often practicing Christians, could be said to be "wrongfully accused" of being Jews.