Like Joel, Jonah tells us the name of his father, Amittai. Amittai is only mentioned in connection with Jonah, so we don't know much of the family line. We do know, however, that Jonah lived in Gath-Hepher (2 Kings 14:25), a town in northern Israel, part of the land occupied by the tribe of Zebulun. This makes Jonah a citizen of the northern kingdom of Israel (which was quite vulnerable to attacks from Syria and Assyria). During this period of time, Assyria was the dominant world power, greatly feared by most of the Middle East. There is not much more that can be stated about Amittai, but rest assured, he most definitely died as all humans will some day.
The Bible does not provide specific details about the death of Jonah's father Amittai in Nineveh. Jonah's father is only mentioned in the book of Jonah as a prophet from Gath-Hepher. The focus of the book is on Jonah's journey to Nineveh and his mission to deliver a message of repentance to the city's inhabitants.
Jaqueline Shaikh was killed by her father on February 26, 2012. It happened during a domestic dispute in which the father, Sardar Shaikh, also shot his wife and other daughter as well.
1497 vasco da gamas father die
His father dies when they are in Glewitz.
Father Hendricks died in 1907.
Father Yod died in 1975.
Her father is still alive
by dieing
Michael Jordan's father was murdered
everbody will die everbody will die
Race or Die happened in 2009.
Ski or Die happened in 1990.