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Accepting gifts and gratuities

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Treating contractors fairly and impartially

Conflicts of interest

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Q: What ethical issues are encountered by CORs during the performance of their duties?
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What duties might a medical ethicist perform?

A medical ethicist may assist healthcare professionals in making ethical decisions, develop institutional policies and guidelines on ethical issues, educate staff and patients on ethical principles, and conduct research on ethical dilemmas in healthcare.

Individuals who are reponsible in the performance of their duties?


What is nature of duties?

The nature of all duties is for the employee to know how to do the work & be ethical in the work place. Any unethical behavior will result in punishment.

Approving Officials are pecuniarily liable for payments resulting from the erroneous performance of their duties?

Yes, approving officials are pecuniarily liable for payments resulting from the erroneous performance of their duties.

Why does the agent has many more ethical duties than the broker in regard to the?

Insurance Company

How would you describe deontology?

The deontological theory is one that suggests people should stick to their duties. Whatever their ethical duties are, they should not deviate from them at all since that is what is ethical.

Another word for duties?

Performance expectations / responsibilities /

Why are fundamental duties incorporated in Indian constitution when they are non justiciable?

the Fundamental Duties are non-justiciable. It means that the violation of fundamental duties, i.e. the non-performance of these duties by citizens is not punishable.

3 What difficulties did you encounter when carrying out your major duties?

Some difficulties I encountered during my major duties included managing conflicting priorities, dealing with unexpected challenges or setbacks, and communicating effectively with team members or stakeholders. These situations required adaptability, problem-solving skills, and clear communication to overcome.

What is it considered mans right and duty?

A persons rights and duties depend on the morals an ethical code of the culture of which they are a part. These can vary.

Who is an ethical person?

Ethical behavior is characterized by honesty, fairness and equity in interpersonal and professional relationships. Ethical behavior respects the dignity, diversity and rights of individuals and groups of people. This definition is not a denial of the existence of other ethical duties with respect to practice, professional service delivery, and research.

Lying is never acceptable under which ethical approach?

Under the deontological ethical approach, which is based on principles and rules, lying is considered unacceptable. This approach emphasizes the importance of moral duties and obligations, and lying is seen as a violation of those duties and a breach of trust. It argues that one should always tell the truth, regardless of the consequences.