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There would be very little impact on the environment. We lack the technology to clone organisms as fast as mother nature can produce them through natural breeding. Under normal circumstances, therefore, the impact of cloning would not be effectively measurable.

We may some day clone mastodons or woolly mammoths. It is doubtful these will be cloned in such numbers to have any serious impact on the environment, and it should be quite easy to control their population.

The Spaniards released feral horses into the American southwest several centuries ago, and these animals (mustangs) HAVE had a serious negative impact on the environment. They foul water holes and compete against native species. We could solve the problem, but animal rights activists succeeded in passing legal protections for these nuisance animals, driving up the cost of dog food. If we cloned an animal and released it in an area where it did not belong, we could introduce similar problems. But we have done the same thing centuries before cloning technology became available. So the cloning itself is neither good nor bad--it simply depends upon how it is used.

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Q: What effect on the environment would cloning have?
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The one benefit of animal cloning that will have the biggest impact on our environment is that with the technology of cloning, we can now preserve endangered breeds and species.

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The advantage of cloning is replacing or to clone organs for a specific need although it is illegal to clone an entire human body. The disadvantage is that cloning humans would be able to create custom built people by combining the possibilities in cloning and genetic engineering. The entire body will be the same and also it will effect population too.

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It would effect the environment by knocking down trees and people by blowing them over from the wind or even killing them.

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The impact of cloning organisms in America is unknown and there is no way to predict what kind of advantages and/or disadvantages there would be as a result of cloning.

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It has an effect on the environment by knocking down trees and it has an effect on people because the tornado would pick up dust from the ground and throw it around and people would breath it in instead of clear oxygen.

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It includes ethical and moral issues about cloning and the effect of this in society.

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If a person is environmentally conscious, they can have a positive impact. Atheism has nothing to do with the question.

What is replacement cloning?

Replacement cloning is a type of cloning where the nucleus of an unfertilized egg cell is replaced with the nucleus from a donor cell, which results in the creation of a genetically identical individual to the donor. This technique has been explored in animal cloning research and has potential applications in agriculture and medicine.

Define cloning then explain cloning in your own words?

Cloning, to me, is making a total duplicate of someone's body. But with no spirit put there by God, then it would be without a mind, will or emotion.

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The matter cycle would stop.