Heinrich Robert Zimmer has written: 'Keltische Kirche in Britannien und Irland' -- subject(s): Celtic Church, Church history 'Myths and symbols in Indian art and civilization' 'Kunstform und Yoga im indischen Kultbild' -- subject(s): Art, Art, Buddhist, Art, Hindu, Art, Indic, Buddhist Art, Cultus, Hindu, Hindu Art, Hindu Cultus, Indic Art, Symbolism, Symbolism in art, Yoga 'Mythes et symboles dans l'art et a civilisation de l'Inde' -- subject(s): Mythologie hindoue, Symbolisme, Art hindou, Civilisation 'Artistic form and yoga in the sacred images of India' -- subject(s): Art, Buddhist, Art, Hindu, Art, Indic, Buddhist Art, Hindu Art, India, Indic Art, Symbolism in art, Yoga 'The art of Indian Asia, its mythology and transformations' -- subject(s): Art, Indic, Hindu Mythology, Indic Art, Mythology, Hindu, Symbolism in art 'Mythen und Symbole in indischer Kunst und Kultur' -- subject(s): Symbolism, Mythology, Hindu, Art, Hindu, Civilization 'Yoga und Buddhismus' -- subject(s): Buddhism, Hindu Philosophy, Religion, Yoga 'The art of Indian Asia' -- subject(s): Art, Hindu Mythology, History, Indic Art, Symbolism in art 'Hindu medicine' -- subject(s): Ayurvedic Medicine, Body, Human, History, Human Body, Medicine, Medicine, Ayurvedic
Yes, Hindu-Arabic system have only 9 symbols.
T. N. Ramachandran has written: 'The golden age of Hindu-Javanese art' -- subject(s): Art, Hindu, Civilization, Hindu Art, Hindu antiquities, Hindu influences, History
There are various Hindu symbols.. they all stand for different things such as sounds (Om) gods and goddesses, art, earth elements and even luck. The most recognized Hindu symbol is the Swastika. It was taken from hindu from the Nazis. the Swastika actually stands for good fortune, luck and well being.
74 is the Hindu-Arabic representation of the number seventy-four. The term Hindu-Arabic defines the system, not the symbols; the symbols are independent of the system. The Hindu and Arabic nations have their own symbols, as do many other regions around the world. However, the Latin symbols are internationally recognised as the standard form of numeric notation, regardless of the system.
Sivapriyananda has written: 'Astrology and religion in Indian art' -- subject(s): Art, Hindu, Hindu Art, Hindu astrology in art, Symbolism in art 'Secret power of tantrik breathing' 'Mysore Paintings'
Hindu art portrayed social and cultural achievements of the time. majority of the hindu art shows worship to god and greatness of king or rulers.
Art symbols are a picture that represents a object,letter or animal
Brahman Brahman
well being hindu myself i just like it it makes me feel spesh :)
One would have to say that Hindus believe their creation story ...