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Q: What are the examples of compliance based ethics and integrity based ethics?
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Is Illovo sugar a compliance-based or integrity-based code of ethics business?

I think they are an integrity based , ethics business. The employees, management, executive and non-=executive all have a very strong sense of moral and ethical behaviour. they are treated as heroes, and their stories get told.

What is the difference between compliance-based ethics code and integrity-based ethics code?

A group that operates using a compliance-based ethics code is avoiding breaking a rule or law, and sees anything that has not been defined by a rule or law as right when there simply may have been no reason yet to create the rule or law. A group that operates using an integrity-based ethics code encourages people to think for themselves, and work towards a set of principles by using what they think is right or wrong.

Advantages and disadvantages of compliance based approach?

1 , Outline the integrity - based approach in ethics management .The scale is the integrity-based approach to ethics management , this approach emphasizes the definition of aspirational values . It focuses on results that is achieved rather than how it was achieved . There are clear rules against illegal behavior when those are breached , it encourages good behavior rather than spotting errors and punishing bad behavior . It is an approach that is highly devolved with significant autonomy , relying largely on the integrity of its participants rather than the application of extensive rules and control as in the case of compliance - based approach .2 , Outline the compliance - based approach in ethics management .The scale is an approach to ethics that is compliance-based , this focuses on strict adherence to administrative procedures and rule , which define what public servants should do and how . The emphasis is on checking out wrongdoing by means of setting minimum standards which provide a base-line for identifying error . In this context, codes of conduct often consider the negative . Codes of conduct , an example of compliance - based approach , often consider the negative . For example , what a staff should not do , and what sort of behavior they should avoid .

What will be an example of virtue based ethics?

Virtue based ethics are positive quality or traits that are indications of moral excellence. Some examples of virtue based ethics are friendliness, generosity and bravery.

What are compliance-based ethics codes?

Codes that emphasize preventing unlawful behavior by increasing control and by penalizing wrongdoers. They are based on avoiding legal punishment.

The minimal acceptable standard for ethical behavior is compliance with the law?

While compliance with the law is important, it sets a baseline for behavior. True ethical behavior goes beyond legal requirements and involves doing what is right, fair, and just. Ethics guide individuals to make decisions based on values, integrity, and principles, even when laws might not explicitly address a situation.

What are the human acts of ethics?

Human acts of ethics are actions that are intentionally performed by individuals in accordance with moral principles and values. These acts are based on considerations of right and wrong, and are influenced by factors such as empathy, fairness, and integrity. Practicing ethical behavior helps individuals develop a sense of responsibility towards others and contribute to a positive and just society.

Integrity Based Ethics Codes?

Ethical standards that define the organization's guiding values, create an environment that supports ethically sound behavior, and stress a shared accountability among employees.

What is an example of duty based ethics?

Duthy based ethics are based on the rights or duty. Duty based ethics focus on the reason for doing an action and not the consequences. Tete Adjevi-neglokpe

What is the difference between Ethics of Doing and Ethics of Being?

Ethics of doing is based on one's political thinking. Ethics of being is based on an individuals way of moral thinking.

Relativism is a subset of the following ethical system?

Freedom-based ethics

What are other names for entitlement-based ethics?

Entitlement-based ethics are when ethical decisions are based only on selfish reasons. Nothing else is considered and the person making the decision cares only what the impact will be for them. Other names of this type of behavior is selfish, egotistical, and inconsiderate.