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The Japanese Creation myth basically talks about all the elements being combined and particles moving that cause a 'heaven' and an 'earth' to be formed. It then goes on to say the first 3 gods appeared [mysteriously]. After that it essentially goes on to talk about how they created everything on the earth.

The record of Creation taken from Genesis states that there was God. He has been there eternally [eternal God]. God then creates light, water, creatures, vegetation, man (Adam first, and later Eve), etc over a period of seven days. Everything was perfect [on earth] and God said it was 'very good'. But Satan, who was an angel (previously called Lucifer), fell and took a third of the angels with him.

Satan then came and tempted man to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve ate it first, and then gave the fruit to Adam to eat. They then became sinful and were forced to leave the Garden of Eden (Which was later destroyed either before or during the Flood).

Main Differences:

Japanese Myth = The gods mysteriously appeared

Genesis [Biblical] Record = God has always been there, an uncreated being

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Q: What are the differences between Japanese creation myth and genesis creation?
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